PUTRAJAYA, April 2 — The Ministry of Health (MOH) has issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the implementation of a more effective public sanitisation work to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country.
Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this was due to the many complaints received about the various sanitisation methods used at the moment.
“There were also complaints that the sanitisation work was not done according to proper procedures, so the MOH has formulated and issued an SOP on how the public sanitisation work should be done.
“The sanitisation work will not only be done at public places but also from house to house,” he told a press conference after the meeting of the Special Ministerial Committee on the movement control order (MCO) here today.
Meanwhile, Ismail Sabri said the Housing and Local Government Ministry had identified 348 areas for the implementation of public sanitisation operation nationwide.
“Yesterday, 93 public areas have been sanitised, bringing the total to 252 areas which have been sanitised since March 27,” he said.
Today, he said 46 areas in eight states will undergo the sanitisation process.
— Bernama