Selangor Journal
Selangor Syariah Judiciary Department (JAKESS)

Syariah Courts in Selangor to operate as usual during CMCO

SHAH ALAM, Oct 14 — The Selangor Syariah Judiciary Department (JAKESS) announced that all Syariah courts in the state will operate as usual during the implementation of the 14-day conditional movement control order (CMCO), starting today.

The JAKESS Corporate Communications Unit, in a statement, said all clients who show up in court are required to wear face masks, scan body temperature, register via the QR code ‘SElangkah’, use hand sanitiser and comply with standard operating procedures.

According to the statement, only clients who have affairs to attend to are allowed to enter the court premises during the CMCO.

“Children (except those ordered to turn up by the court), trainees in the room who are present with the supervisor because they have a case and family members or friends accompanying the client are not allowed to enter the court premises during the CMCO.

“For clients who are represented by a lawyer, their presence during mention or case management proceedings is not required. Lafaz wakalah appointment of Syarie lawyers can be made online,” according to the statement.

The statement also advised clients who have health issues to postpone their court attendance.

Those who have any enquiries on the operation of the syariah court can contact the Selangor Syariah Court or go to the JAKESS’ website,

— Bernama

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