Selangor Journal

Economy, racial inequality most vital issues for US voters, Covid-19 comes only 3rd — Poll

MOSCOW, Nov 4 — Economic problems and racial inequality are the most important issues for US voters, while the Covid-19 pandemic comes only third, Sputnik News Agency citing an exit poll conducted by the CNN broadcaster shows.

According to the poll, 34 percent of respondents primarily focus on the economic situation in the country, 21 percent view racial inequality as the main issue of the presidential campaign.

The Covid-19 epidemic is the most vital issue for only 18 percent of US citizens despite the fact that the United States is the worst-hit nation in the world in terms of both the number of confirmed cases and the death toll.

It said crime and safety as well as the health care policy are a matter of concern for 11 percent of respondents each.

The same poll shows that 51 percent of voters are negatively assessing the country’s efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic, whereas 48 percent are sharing the opposite point of view.

According to the report, for 52 percent of respondents, it is more important to stop the spread of the coronavirus than to protect the economy, while 42 percent believe that the economy must be a top priority.

The exit poll also demonstrates the US voters’ confidence in the electoral procedures: 46 percent are absolutely sure that their votes will be accurately counted, 40 percent believe in that to some extent. Only 12 percent of respondents expressed doubts about the fairness of ballot count.

The poll was conducted among 7,774 voters at 115 polling locations as well as 4,919 early and absentee voters by phone.

— Bernama

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