Selangor Journal

Restaurant with cleanest toilet in Selayang stands to win RM1,000

By Nadiah Zamlus

SELAYANG, March 23 — Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) is offering an RM1,000 reward to restaurant owners who have the cleanest toilets.

MPS Corporate Department director Mohamad Zin Masoad said the offer was made in conjunction with its Clean Toilet Competition for Food Premises (Restaurant) category this year.

“The second-place winner will win RM700 in cash, the third-place RM500 and 10 souvenir prizes will also be given.

“This competition aims to cultivate a culture of maintaining a clean, safe and comfortable toilet in business premises,” he said in a statement.

Mohamad Zin said the competition form can be downloaded from the MPS website and the owners of the premises can make preparations starting today until April 10.

He added that the inspection and judging process will begin from April 15 to June 30.

“For more information, visit or contact the Public Health Division at 03-6126 6080 or 03-6126 6024,” he said.

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