Selangor Journal
A man jogging at Taman Tasek Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur, on June 17, 2020. — Picture by HAFIZ OTHMAN/SELANGORKINI

Jogging, cycling, exercise now allowed during MCO

KUALA LUMPUR, May 8 — Sports and recreational activities done in open areas without physical contact like jogging, cycling, exercise and others that comply with physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can now be conducted from May 8.

The Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS) announced the exemptions after the National Security Council (NSC) special meeting yesterday considered its appeal to reconsider the decision about the standard operating procedure (SOP) for the sports and recreational sector during the movement control order (MCO) period of May 7 to 20.

“Other exemptions for the sports and recreational sector will be detailed in the next NSC technical meeting,” the statement from KBS read.

Meanwhile, Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican expressed his thanks to NSC special meeting members, especially Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who gave careful consideration towards the suggestion.

Reezal Merican also urged all sports operators and fans to continue their fitness activities safely throughout the MCO period.

“We have yet to win in our fight against Covid-19. Therefore, everyone must play their part more effectively to ensure the MCO enforcement this time will achieve its desired goal,” he said.

Yesterday, the NSC special meeting decided to suspend sports and recreational activities and sector in MCO areas, including all sports and recreational activities in commercial facilities or premises, public facilities and open areas.

Several activities, however, such as the National Sports Council quarantine-based centralised training and state sports councils’ camp-based training, were among those allowed.

— Bernama

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