Selangor Journal
Bandar Sri Jempol public clinic nurse Siti Hajar Mohd Sudin prepares a dose of the Pfizer-BionTech Covid-19 vaccine at the vaccination centre, Jempol Land and District Office, Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, on April 19, 2021. — Picture by BERNAMA

MOH probing empty vaccine syringe claim

LARUT, July 10 —  The Health Ministry (MOH) is investigating a claim that one COVID-19 vaccine recipient was injected with an empty syringe. 

Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali said the ministry viewed the matter seriously and an in-depth investigation would be carried out because issues or problems related to vaccination were not something that could be taken lightly at this time.

“This is not the time to joke around, I strongly disagree and deeply regret this bad news. Apart from worrying about the increase and spread of the COVID-19 cases, we are also worried about the spread of fake news. We have to verify (tabayyun),” he told a press conference after visiting the Selama Vaccination Centre yesterday.

A video purportedly showing a man being injected with an empty syringe went viral on social media recently.

The man, who had lodged a police report over the matter, only knew that he was given an empty injection after checking his recording of the vaccination process. 

— Bernama

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