KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 9 — The number of road accidents recorded nationwide during Op Selamat 17 from January 28 till February 5 in conjunction with this year’s Chinese New Year home exodus dipped by 26 per cent to 11,325 cases compared with 15,382 last year, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said.
He added that the number of fatal accidents reported also decreased by 19 per cent to 108 cases compared to 133 last year.
“A total of of 119 deaths were recorded, in contrast to 149 cases the previous year, a decrease of 20 per cent,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Acryl Sani said motorcyclists and pillion riders continued to be the main fatalities in Op Selamat, with 82 deaths recorded.
“However, the figure is down by 15 per cent compared to 97 deaths last year,” he said.
Acryl Sani said that during the Op Selamat this time, a total of 351 people were arrested under Op Samseng Jalanan (road bullies), with 37 of them testing positive for drugs.
“A total of 204 individuals were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and investigated under Section 45A of the Road Transport Act 1987.
“Besides that, a total of 308,726 summonses were issued during Op Selamat this time, an increase of 14 per cent compared with last year, while a total of 326 housebreaking cases were recorded nationwide,” he said.
Meanwhile, Acryl Sani also congratulated all police personnel involved in the operation and road users who complied with the rules in Op Selamat this time which he described as successful.
— Bernama