Selangor Journal
National sepak takraw player Muhammad Noraizat Mohd Nordin (third from left) striking during the match against the Thai national team during the men’s squad match of the 31st SEA Games ar the Hoang Mai Sports Centre in Hanoi, Vietnam, on May 17, 2022. — Picture by BERNAMA

ISTAF World Cup: It’s a Malaysia-Thailand title showdown

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 — The national men’s sepak takraw team advanced to the final of the 2022 International Sepaktakraw Federation (ISTAF) World Cup after downing hosts South Korea 21-10, 21-15 in the semi-finals at the Daejon Hanbat Sports Complex in Daejeon yesterday.

The national trio of Mohammad Syahir Mohd Rosdi, Mohammad Azlan Alias and Amirul Zazwan Amir took 50 minutes to overcome the hosts and set up a title showdown against traditional foes and defending champions Thailand, who disposed of Japan 21-8, 21-14 in the other semi-final.

The Thais are banking on Kritsanapong Nontakote, Pornthep Tinbangbon, Thawisak Thongsai, Phutawan Sopa, Yodsawat Uthaijaronsri and Rachan Viphan to retain their crown.

Except for Thawisak, the others helped Thailand win three gold medals at the Vietnam SEA Games in Hanoi in May and the Thailand King’s Cup.

Yesterday, the Malaysian team, coached by Azhar Sarabini, defeated Japan 21-8, 21-9 and India 21-5, 21-12 in Group F of the Premier Division to qualify for the last four.

— Bernama


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