Selangor Journal
National Disaster Management Agency (Nadma) personnel survey flood conditions at Kampung Sebat Melayu and Kampung Tembaga in Sematan, Sarawak, on December 23, 2022. — Picture by FACEBOOK/AGENSI PENGURUSAN BENCANA NEGARA, JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI

Floods: Number of evacuees in Sarawak remains at 43

SIBU, Jan 16 — A total of 43 flood evacuees are still taking shelter at the Kanowit Sports Complex Hall tonight.

According to the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee, the evacuees consist of 22 families.

The temporary relief centre houses 18 residents from Rumah Leo in Nanga Lipus, eight each from Rumah Alice and Rumah Alexander, four from Rumah Geoffey, three from Rumah Joseph in Rantau Kemiding, and two from a private house.

— Bernama

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