Selangor Journal
Philippine coast guard personnel stand alert as a Chinese coast guard vessel blocks their way to a resupply mission at Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea, on March 5, 2024. — Picture by REUTERS

Philippine military chief urges fishermen to ignore China’s new coast guard rules

MANILA, June 15 — The Philippine military chief urged Filipino fishermen to keep fishing in the country’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, despite China’s new coast guard rules allowing it to detain trespassers without trial, which take effect on June 15.

China, which claims almost all of the South China Sea, including parts claimed by the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, has issued new rules that would enforce a 2021 law allowing its coastguard to use lethal force against foreign ships in waters that it claims.

“That’s our message to our fishermen, for them not to be afraid but to just go ahead with their normal activities in our exclusive economic zone,” Philippines Armed Forces chief Romeo Brawner told reporters yesterday.

“We have the right to exploit the resources in the area so our fishermen have no reason to be afraid,” he added.

The new rules, which allows China’s coast guard to detain suspected trespassers without trial for 60 days, have sparked international concerns, with the Philippines describing them as “worrisome” and a “provocation”.

Taiwan’s coast guard said in a statement “it will strengthen fishing protection tasks, resolutely defend the safety of our fishermen’s operations and ensure the rights and interests of shipping, and defend national sovereignty”.

It also called on China “not to use this reason to justify unilateral acts that undermine regional peace”.

The United States, which has a mutual defence treaty with the Philippines and is bound by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, said Chinese domestic law “has no applicability to other states’ flagged vessels in other states’ exclusive economic zones or in the high seas, according to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention”.

“Enforcement would be highly escalatory and detrimental to regional peace and security,” a United States State Department spokesman said.

“We’ve urged Beijing — and all claimants — to comport their maritime claims with international law as reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention.”

China has stepped up military activities near democratically governed Taiwan, which it views as its own territory. It is also involved in an increasingly bitter stand-off with the Philippines in the disputed South China Sea.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said previously the new rules were meant to protect the maritime order, and that there was no need to worry if there was no illegal behaviour by the individuals and bodies involved.

— Reuters

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