Selangor Journal

Make it mandatory for alcohol dealers to provide ‘designated drivers’ — Miros

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) has recommended that the government makes it mandatory for alcohol dealers or entertainment centres to provide facilities such as hiring drivers or ‘designated drivers’ as one of the mandatory conditions for the licensing application procedure of these business premises.

Miros chairman Datuk Suret Singh said several developing countries, like Australia and Japan, had already adopted this method and experienced a decline in the number of road accidents involving drivers under the influence of alcohol.

“It is not recommended to drive after consuming alcoholic beverages to ensure the safety of the driver and other road users,” he said in a statement tonight.

Heavier penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs would create greater public awareness amongst road users to obey traffic laws as well as to ensure that roads are safer for all road users, he added. 

While police are spearheading strict enforcement of this law, he reiterated that Miros would work together with the Road Transport Department as well as other relevant departments and agencies to conduct more advocacy and awareness programmes.

Advocacy, he said, was important to ensure that people understood why the government imposed heavier penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs as well as for reckless driving.


— Bernama

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