Selangor Journal

Fake designer bags worth RM1 mln seized in Klang

SHAH ALAM, April 10 — The Selangor Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) today seized about 10,000 fake branded handbags worth approximately RM1 million in a raid on two premises in a supermarket in Klang.

Selangor KPDN director Mohd Zuhairi Mat Radey said three women and a man, aged between 18 and 38, were detained in connection with the 1pm seizures, the largest recorded this year.

He said the operation, which involved nine enforcement personnel, was conducted based on information and intelligence gathered over two weeks.

“The premises have been active for such illegal activity for the past three years. The case is being investigated under Section 102(1) of the Trademarks Act 2019 which involves goods to which a registered trademark is falsely applied under Section 100 of the Act,” he said in a statement.

He said those involved could face a fine of up to RM10,000 for each of the goods or three years’ imprisonment, or both, while companies could be fined RM15,000 for each of the goods.

— Bernama

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