Selangor Journal
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (centre) with Malaysian students in Shanghai, as part of his official visit to China, on May 24, 2024. — Picture via FACEBOOK/ZAHID HAMIDI

Malaysian youths urged to pursue higher education in China

SHANGHAI, May 26 — Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has urged youths to take up the opportunity to pursue higher education in China to gain knowledge in various fields, especially technology.

He said China has an advantage in high technology that Malaysians can learn from and utilise for the country’s development.

“What is important is for us to obtain the transfer of knowledge as well as technology from China’s colleges and universities to be brought back to our country.

“Not only for your own good but for the country,” he said during his speech at the luncheon with the Malaysian community and students in Shanghai today.

Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Mohamad Alamin, Malaysia’s Consul-General in Shanghai Syed Farizal Aminy Syed Mohamad, and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) chairman Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki were also present.

Zahid, the National Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Council chairman, requested all relevant parties, including Mara, to proactively encourage Malaysian students to pursue knowledge in China.

“Starting this year, I would like to open the floodgate for Mara students, especially GiatMara, (and) UniKL, to send their students to study in China to acquire knowledge and technology.

“I would like to see the achievement of our students…China is advanced in terms of high technology. They are very open to sharing their knowledge and technology, especially with us (Malaysia).

“Therefore, I would like to urge the Mara chairman to open up the minds, (correct) the perception of (Malaysian) parents, especially Bumiputera, to send their children to study in China,” he said.

Zahid added that as Malaysians are familiar with some countries, they tend to look to the West to pursue higher education, ‘forgetting’ to look over to Asia, especially China.

He asid Shanghai is the best region in China for students to acquire knowledge, including learning from its political determination, given the city’s rapid development compared to 30 years ago.

“This is not an attempt to flatter but a reality. We should learn from them (China), so let us put aside negative views,” Zahid said.

According to the Higher Education Ministry’s statistics, 5,697 Malaysians are studying in China, including 1,425 students in Beijing, 933 in Zheijang, 735 in Fujian, and 626 in Shanghai.

Zahid is on his first official visit to China since assuming office in December 2022. The 11-day visit, which kicked off on May 22, is at the invitation of Chinese Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang.

Malaysia and China established diplomatic relations on May 31, 1974, and this is the highest level of visits involving top leaders in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China ties.

— Bernama


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