Selangor Journal
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim speaks at the Madani Aspiration Gathering of Public Service Counselling Associates at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre on June 14, 2024. — Picture via FACEBOOK/ANWAR IBRAHIM

Anwar says Akrab must educate civil servants about govt’s Madani policies

PUTRAJAYA, June 14 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants members of the Public Service Counselling Associates (Akrab) to play a role in educating their fellow civil servants about government policies so the Madani agenda can be realised.

He said Akrab serves as a bulwark against the small group of civil servants who might continue to undermine the entire government agenda.

“Akrab’s role is to become the monitors, the eyes and ears of the government, so that we can elevate the dignity of the nation,” he said during a dialogue session at the Madani Aspiration Gathering of Akrab here today.

Also present were Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali and Public Service director-general Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz.

At the gathering, Anwar presented the letter of appointment to National Akrab Council president Mohd Afendi Ya @ Zakaria, as a symbolic representation of all accredited Akrab members and launched Akrab as the Public Service Change Agent to ensure the Madani government’s policies can be implemented well and excellently.

Since the establishment of Akrab nearly two decades ago, 22,379 civil servants have been accredited by the Public Service Department to act as agents of change for the government and be responsible for “creating friends who help friends” in fostering team spirit, harmony, and mutual respect.

Themed “Hemat: Menyantuni Hasrat, Membina Citra”, the gathering focused on cultivating three principles in discharging duties as public officers namely facilitating stakeholder and customer dealings, adapting work methods in line with the government’s agenda, and expediting the implementation of all government decisions, in accordance with the values of Hemat, which are transformation, governance, empathy for the people, inclusive mindset, appreciation for innovation, and transparent administration.

— Bernama

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