Selangor Journal
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim signs a pledge of RM1 million for national athletes ahead of the 2023 National Sports Awards held at the National Sports Council in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, on June 13, 2024. — Picture by BERNAMA

PM pledges more funds to boost sports industry

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has pledged special consideration for the Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS), including additional funding, to elevate the sports industry.

Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said despite the nation’s financial constraints, priority should be given to certain initiatives such as Road to Gold and Podium Programme leading up to the Paris Olympics.

“The entire Madani Cabinet recognises the vital role of sports in society. I assure you that if opportunities and needs arise despite economic challenges, special consideration will be given to boost national sports activities,” he said.

The prime minister said this in his speech at the 2023 National Sports Awards held at the National Sports Council in Bukit Jalil here tonight.

Also present were Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh and her deputy, Adam Adli Abd Halim.

Anwar said the national sports industry needs to be enhanced and expanded as it has the potential to unify the people.

“Sports activities have the power to unite people across urban and rural areas, transcending ethnic and religious divides and fostering national unity through shared interests and team spirit.

“We believe the world of sports can unite us,” he said, reaffirming his commitment to supporting national sports groups and empowering the industry’s development.

At the event, Anwar expressed gratitude to all national athletes who have brought glory to the country on the international stage.

“Tonight, we celebrate and recognise our athletes for their remarkable achievements. It is important to acknowledge the contributions of the ministry and fraternities, sports associations and the community for their support and encouragement,” he added.

— Bernama

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