Selangor Journal
Deputy Communications and Digital Minister Teo Nie Ching says 96.96 per cent of populated areas have 4G coverage, while 68.8 per cent have 5G coverage. — Picture by BERNAMA

Deputy minister urges public to help rein in 3R sentiment during state polls campaign

SEREMBAN, July 30 — Malaysians have been urged to help control the spread of hate speech and negative statements touching on 3R (race, religion, and royalty) issues, especially on social media during the state election campaign period.

Deputy Communications and Digital Minister Teo Nie Ching said that any transmission or content found to contain such elements should be reported by the public to platform providers, so it is not widely spread.

“The public plays an important role. All social media platforms have a button (to report) so if they feel any speech or content involves 3R…. report these posts to the platform providers so that they (providers) can take the appropriate action,” she said.

Teo was speaking to the press after attending a Mega Ceramah, on the grounds of the Pakatan Harapan operations room tonight.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain was quoted by the press as saying the police will be uncompromising on 3R issues, and action will be taken against those involved based on the laws stipulated under the Elections Offences Act 1954.

— Bernama

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