Selangor Journal

Mechanic arrested for hiding birth, burying foetus

SEPANG, May 25 — A mechanic who attempted to conceal a birth by burying the foetus delivered by his girlfriend near a lake in Puchong was arrested last Wednesday.

Sepang deputy police chief Supt G. Shan Gopal, in a statement yesterday, said the 21-year-old man was detained after they received a report from the hospital saying that they had admitted a 19-year-old girl who had a miscarriage on May 15.

“Investigations revealed that the patient experienced a miscarriage due to consuming pills given by her boyfriend. The foetus was then buried in the Taman Tasik Puchong area.

“Approximately five hours after the police report, at around 7.30pm, the suspect was arrested,” said Shan Gopal.

He added that a hoe used by the man to bury the foetus was also seized.

Shan Gopal added that the suspect has been remanded for four days until May 26, and the case is being investigated under Section 318 of the Penal Code for concealing a birth, which carries a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment or a fine or both upon conviction.

— Bernama

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