Selangor Journal
Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba as they pray at the Grand Mosque during the annual haj pilgrimage in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on July 12, 2022. — Picture by REUTERS

Malaysian Haj pilgrim dies in Saudi Arabia

SEPANG, May 26 — A 72-year-old Haj pilgrim died in a hospital in Makkah due to a ruptured blood vessel on Friday (May 24), said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar.

Speaking to the press after a farewell ceremony for Malaysian Haj pilgrims today, he said Abnil Hajar Ismail from Jitra, Kedah, was pronounced dead by the hospital at 10.30pm.

“Two days ago, we received the sad news of the first death among Malaysian Haj pilgrims, involving a 72-year-old man.

“The death was due to a ruptured blood vessel, and I take this opportunity to remind hajj pilgrims to take care of their health. The weather is quite hot, so if possible, stay in the mosque or the hotel provided by Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH),” Na’im said.

TH will provide free ‘badal haji’ (Haj by proxy) services for Abnil, and the matter has been communicated to the deceased’s family.

“I personally contacted his next of kin, his son, to inform him that TH will provide badal haji services for his father,” he said.

Badal haji refers to the performance of the Haj on behalf of someone who has passed away without having performed it or for someone who is physically incapable of doing so.

Meanwhile, Na’im reminded prospective Haj pilgrims to focus fully on their Haj rituals and comply with the regulations set by the Saudi Arabian government.

He added that the Haj operations managed by TH are running smoothly, with 16,000 Malaysian pilgrims having safely arrived in Madinah and Makkah since the first flight on May 9.

“TH is always reminded to provide the best services to the Haj pilgrims.

“I advise the pilgrims who have arrived in the Holy Land and those who are about to depart to continually strengthen their knowledge related to Haj rituals,” Na’imsaid.

There are 100 special charter flights for the 1445H/2024 hajj season, which began on May 9, with the final flight scheduled for June 9.

— Bernama

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