CURRENTSPORTS KBS, MFL organise big screen screening of four Super League matchesEditor Selangor JournalMarch 1, 2023 by Editor Selangor JournalMarch 1, 2023 PUTRAJAYA, March 1 — The Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) and the Malaysian Football League (MFL) are continuing their efforts to enliven the 2023...
CURRENTSPORTS Perak FC may pay the price for flares thrown onto pitch in stadium — MFLEditor Selangor JournalMay 10, 2021May 10, 2021 by Editor Selangor JournalMay 10, 2021May 10, 2021 PUTRAJAYA, May 10 — The Malaysian Football League (MFL) are taking a serious view of the incident where flares were thrown onto the pitch during...