ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL Selangor govt to evaluate need to hold state assembly sittingEditor Selangor JournalMarch 9, 2021March 9, 2021 by Editor Selangor JournalMarch 9, 2021March 9, 2021 SEPANG, March 9 — The Selangor state government is evaluating the need to hold a state assembly meeting despite not having urgent needs to do...
ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL MB to visit storm-stricken area in Bandar baru Salak Tinggi todayEditor Selangor JournalMarch 8, 2021March 8, 2021 by Editor Selangor JournalMarch 8, 2021March 8, 2021 PUTRAJAYA, March 8 — Selangor Menteri Besar Dato’ Seri Amirudin Shari is scheduled to visit the storm-stricken area in Taman Seroja Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi...
CURRENTNATIONAL Fire and Rescue Dept looking for new clues to track down AcapEditor Selangor JournalSeptember 20, 2020 by Editor Selangor JournalSeptember 20, 2020 GOPENG, Sept 20 — A total of 150 members of the Special Operations Force, Special Tactical Operation and Rescue Team of Malaysia (STORM) and Fire...