PUTRAJAYA, Jan 22 — A total of 1,197 second-phase reserve candidates, including 857 medical officers and 340 pharmacy officers, were appointed following the approval of the Health Ministry’s (MOH) applications by the Public Services Commission (SPA) on September 29, 2023 and January 3, 2024.
In a statement today, MOH announced that these appointments aim to address remaining vacancies subsequent to the completion of procedures for 1,508 reserve candidates in the initial phase, all of whom reported for duty on December 18.
With the SPA approval, the ministry said all reserve candidates with permanent appointment offers are required to confirm acceptance through the SPA Appointment Offer System (MySTP) within 21 days from December 29, 2023, for medical officer candidates and from Jan 3, 2024 for pharmacy officer candidates.
Consistent with previous practices, the current placement utilises the e-placement system, specifically the e-housemen system for prospective medical officers and the e-pharmacist system for aspiring pharmacy officers.
“As such, each candidate has been notified to choose their placement for the purpose of confirming their reporting for duty when the system opens between January 15 and January 17, 2024,” read the statement.
According to MOH, failure to make a placement selection within the stipulated period will render the appointment offer void. Additionally, a channel for candidates to submit placement change appeals via a Google form will be available from January 15 to January 19.
Only appeals submitted via Google form within the specified period will be reviewed by the Placement Appeal Committee while the decision will be notified through MOH’s Career Review portal on January 31.
Candidates’ facility placements will be communicated by the State Health Department (JKN) starting from February 12, 2024, and the effective date for the candidate’s permanent appointment is March 4, 2024, the reporting date.
“Candidates unable to report for duty on March 4 can apply for a temporary postponement through the new Head of Department,” read the statement.
Upon approval of the temporary postponement application, the ministry said that the effective date of resignation will be adjusted to the new reporting date and during the postponement, candidates remain in contract status and are obligated to be present for duty unless eligible for approved leave of absence
“Candidates with permanent appointments are required to submit a 30-day resignation notice to their original department head, as per Human Resource Services Circular (MyPPSM) Cearaian UP.1.1.1 – Contractual Appointment Policy and Procedures issued by JPA,” said MOH adding that this was to conclude the contract service and commence the new permanent service.
The resignation notice also facilitates the management of the candidate’s contract benefits by the original Head of Department, while the starting salary for a permanent appointment is determined by the candidate’s eligibility, reflecting the final salary from their last contract.
In addition, the new department head will determine the salary based on final salary records and the Government Service Record Book available at the facility,
For the permanent appointment, MOH urged candidates to promptly confirm acceptance through the MySTP SPA system and log into the e-placement system from Jan 15 to 17, 2024.
Candidates are requested to select a placement in the e-placement system corresponding to the offered facility or JKN, print the confirmation slip and verify the placement with the respective JKN starting from February 12.
“Candidates are also urged to submit a resignation notice to conclude contract service and commence regular service to the original Department Head and report for duty at the facility on March 4, 2024, unless an approved temporary postponement is granted by the new Department Head,” said the Ministry
— Bernama