Selangor Journal
Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil speaks to reporters at the Lembah Pantai Aidilfitri Open House at IWK Eco Park @ Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur, on April 21, 2024. — Picture by BERNAMA

Fahmi condemns threats against journos, urges swift action

KUCHING, May 24 — Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the government is taking recent allegations of a politician attacking and threatening two Tamil news portal journalists very seriously.

He said he firmly believes journalists should be free to carry out their duties, and those who are threatened have the right to report it without hindrance.

“I strongly disagree with and condemn any actions involving threats against journalists.

“I have not yet received complete information regarding the incident.

“However, I am willing to meet with both parties involved: the journalists who were allegedly threatened and those accused of making the threats. I want to fully understand what transpired and find a resolution as quickly as possible,” Fahmi, who is Unity Government spokesman, said.

He told the media this after a courtesy visit to the Yang Dipertua Negeri of Sarawak, Tun Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, at Astana Negeri today.

Yesterday, National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJ) secretary-general Teh Athira Mohamed Yusof said NUJ was deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of the journalists involved, P. Puvaneswaran and M. Pavalam, as well as the entire Tamil journalist community.

In a statement, NUJ urged Fahmi to address the issue promptly and take immediate action to halt any form of attack on journalists.

Meanwhile, Fahmi said he would remind himself and his political counterparts to uphold decorum and civility, particularly when interacting with the media.

“Even if they (politicians) disagree with the content of a particular report, they generally have the right to reply. Therefore, they should use that opportunity and refrain from taking any action that contravene the law,” he said.

— Bernama

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