Selangor Journal
(from left to right) Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Mitsuo Takahashi shakes hands with Agriculture and Food Security Deputy Minister Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup during his courtesy call to the deputy minister at Wisma Tani Putrajaya in Putrajaya, on May 3, 2024. — Picture via FACEBOOK/ARTHUR JOSEPH KURUP

Malaysia discusses bilateral trade cooperation, halal hub role with Japan

PUTRAJAYA, May 3 — Malaysia and Japan have discussed bilateral trade cooperation, the agricultural sector, and Malaysia’s role as a halal hub that can be beneficial to Japan, said the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry (MAFS).

These topics were discussed by Deputy Minister Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup and Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Mitsuo Takahashi when the latter paid a courtesy call to Arthur at his office today.

“Arthur welcomed the technical collaboration in the field of research and hopes the exchange of technology can be streamlined through the existing bilateral cooperation,” it said in a statement today.

The nearly hour-long meeting also discussed the recently launched Japan Food Export Platform in Malaysia.

“Malaysia is the first Muslim-majority country to be chosen as the location for the Japan Food Export Platform.

“The move will hopefully provide opportunities for more Japanese companies to penetrate the halal market and obtain halal recognition,” MAFS said.

In the meeting, Arthur added that MAFS is ready to support the effort and simultaneously seeks Japan’s support and assistance to improve the quality of products by local farmers through capacity sharing and training.

He also spoke about Malaysia’s plans to host the second meeting of senior officers for the Asean-Japan Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AJMAF) on Aug 7 and the 45th Special Senior Officials Meeting of the Asean Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (SOM-AMAF) from August 6 to August 8.

The second meeting is set to discuss the latest developments on collaboration in the Asean-Japan MIDORI Cooperation Plan, which was agreed upon at the first AJMAF Meeting in 2023.

Arthur had also invited Takahashi to the Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture, and Agrotourism Show (MAHA) 2024 from September 11 to September 22, as well as invited Japan to participate in the biennial event.

“Japan, meanwhile, invited Malaysia to participate in the International Horticultural Expo Yokohama to be held in the Kanagawa Prefecture from March 19 to September 16, 2027,” said MAFS.

Japan is one of Malaysia’s main trading partners in the agriculture and agro-food sectors. Trade data in 2023 recorded RM8.41 billion in Malaysia’s exports to Japan, compared to the value of Japan’s imports to Malaysia of RM2.09 billion, which contributed to a positive trade balance for the country.

— Bernama


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