Selangor Journal

Ops Aidiladha: JPJ issues over 47,000 notices for various offences

KOTA BHARU, June 16 — The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has issued 47,003 notices for various offences during Ops Khas Hari Raya Aidiladha 2024, which commenced on June 10.

Its senior enforcement director Muhammad Kifli Ma Hassan said the highest number of summonses were issued for driving without a licence at 12,188, followed by expired Motor Vehicle Licences (9,711), and technical offences (8,109).

JPJ inspected 209,037 vehicles and took action against 24,537.

“In addition, two bus drivers, aged 61 and 42, tested positive for methamphetamine and ganja. Both drivers were believed to be en route to Kuala Lumpur,” he told the press after inspecting the operation at the JPJ Eastern Region Academy yesterday night.

Kifli added that JPJ would summon the bus operators and a complete investigation report would be submitted to the Land Public Transport Agency for action under Act 715.

“JPJ will also suspend the drivers’ licences under Section 36 of Act 333 upon confirmation from the National Anti-Drug Agency.

“We take this matter seriously and will not compromise with companies, owners and drivers who still violate laws and regulations. Enforcement and strict actions will be continuously implemented,” he said.

The special operation, running for 18 days until June 30, aims to ensure that road users comply with traffic regulations to reach their destinations safely.

— Bernama

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