Selangor Journal

BERSIH tiada kaitan dengan Soros

KUALA LUMPUR, NOV 29: The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) Chairman Maria Chin Abdullah was interrogated daily to pressure her regarding allegations that she received donations from George Soros’ foundation.
Reflecting on her 11-day detention under the Security Offenses (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA), Maria said that she maintained her stand that BERSIH 2.0 did not receive funds from the foundation.
“Aftr two days of detention, I was subjected to what they called an interview daily.
“It was not really an interview but they repeatedly asked me the same question in hopes that I would confess to doing something I did not do,” she said during a speech in front of almost 1,000 BERSIH 2.0 supporters at Merdeka Square on November 28.
Maria said she was also pressured to admit that BERSIH 2.0 was linked to other BERSIH 5 gatherings held overseas or Global BERSIH.
maria chinKatanya, himpunan baju kuning yang berlangsung di luar negara bukan anjuran BERSIH 2.0 tetapi adalah inisiatif rakyat Malaysia yang menetap di negara terlibat.
“Tindakan cuba mengaitkan Global BERSIH dengan BERSIH 2.0 jelas hanyalah percubaan pihak berkuasa memburukkan kebangkitan rakyat Malaysia di luar negara,” katanya.
Pada masa sama, Maria berkata, BERSIH 2.0 turut didakwa memiliki dana RM3.2 bilion yang disifatkan tidak berasas, malahan sukar dipercayai.
“BERSIH 2.0 tidak mengambil satu sen pun duit daripada Soros Foundation dan akaun kita ada dipamerkan di laman sesawang untuk diperiksa tetapi mereka tidak percaya kerana sangka kita ada RM3.2 bilion.
“Siapa yang boleh percaya?,” soalnya.

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