Selangor Journal
A view of Wisma Putra, which houses the Foreign Ministry in Putrajaya. — Picture by WISMA PUTRA

Wisma Putra summons Swedish envoy over Quran issue

PUTRAJAYA, July 25 — The Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned Swedish Ambassador to Malaysia Dr Joachim Bergstrom to express strong condemnation over the recent desecration of the Holy Quran in Stockholm, Sweden on, July 20.

The Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra) in a statement said during the meeting, the ministry stressed to the ambassador that freedom of expression must be exercised responsibly and with due regard for the religious sensitivities of diverse global communities.

“During the meeting, the Ministry reiterated Malaysia’s objection and disappointment over the Swedish Government for granting approval and allowing such a derogative act towards the Holy Quran to be carried out repeatedly in Sweden under the pretext of freedom of speech.

“Although the burning of the Holy Quran failed in the recent incident, the provocative act of stomping the Holy Book still caused immense distress and offended millions of Muslims worldwide,” it added.

In this regard, the Ministry urged the Swedish government to reassess the fairness and equal application of freedom of speech and to take immediate and necessary measures to end “structural Islamophobia”.

“Such acts of disrespect towards any religion have the potential to incite religious hatred and undermine the harmony and peaceful coexistence among people of different faiths,” it added.

This marks the third time such a vile act occurred in Sweden this year, after the first and second incidents in January and June 2023, respectively.

— Bernama

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