Selangor Journal
Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi (third from left) and Public Accounts Committee chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (third from right) at a press conference in Parliament, Kuala Lumpur, on November 22, 2023. — Picture by BERNAMA

PAC seeks inclusion of role in Audit Act amendments

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 — The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hopes the Unity Government can include the committee’s role and responsibilities in the proposed amendments to the Audit Act 1957.

PAC chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin said the government plans to amend the law next year, and the committee is ready to discuss with the National Audit Department (JAN) to enable the PAC to perform its role better.

“I believe in the commitment of the Auditor General, the Attorney General’s Chambers and the PUU (legal advisers) to look at and take into account the PAC’s duties.

“I am also confident that with engagement sessions (with all parties involved) from time to time, we can discuss what is best for stronger cooperation in the future so the PAC’s powers and responsibilities can be implemented more effectively,” she said during a press conference at the Parliament building today.

Earlier, the PAC was given a briefing by Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi and the National Audit Department on three reports of the Auditor-General’s Report 2022.

The three reports are the Auditor-General’s Report 2022 on Activities of the Federal Government Ministries/Departments and Federal Statutory Bodies, the Auditor-General’s Report 2022 on the Management of Federal Government Companies, and the Auditor-General’s Report 2022 on Special Audit of Forest Management and Environmental Impact.

— Bernama


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