Selangor Journal
A worker sprays disinfectant at a mosque, which is closed during the movement control order due to the outbreak of the Covid-19, in Kuala Lumpur, on March 24, 2020. — Picture by REUTERS

Public premises to undergo cleaning, disinfection process

PUTRAJAYA, March 26 — Public premises, especially in areas identified as red zones, will soon undergo cleaning, sanitising and disinfection works to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this was decided at the Special Ministerial Committee meeting on the movement control order today.

“This process will be carried out by the local authorities and the Fire and Rescue Department, and the Malaysian Armed Forces too, if required,” he said in a media conference here today.

According to Ismail Sabri, priority for cleaning and disinfection works will be given to areas in red zones.

Premises that draw large crowds and areas with a higher Covid-19 transmission risk such as markets and mosques will also be given priority, he said.

Meanwhile, Ismail Sabri said for better coordination between the federal and state governments to tackle the pandemic, the meeting today also decided that state security council meetings will also be attended by one Federal minister, who must hail from the state itself.

“The minister will be in the meeting to pass on directives and decisions of the federal government for better coordination.

“This will be done as soon as possible,” he said.

— Bernama

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