Selangor Journal
Some of the Malaysians evacuated from Ukraine with their dependants, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, on March 1, 2022. — Picture by BERNAMA

Nine Malaysians with two dependents return home from Ukraine

SEPANG, March 1 — Nine Malaysians with two dependents who were brought out of Kyiv, Ukraine have safely returned to the country today.

The group, including Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Fadhilah Daud, arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport at about 3.06 pm via Qatar Airways flight QR0848.

The group was brought out from Kyiv, Ukraine to Poland on February 27 after Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24 (Thursday) announced a special military operation in Donbas, east Ukraine and following that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared an emergency in the country.

Ukraine also announced the closure of air space for civil use due to the high risk of civil aviation.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob was present at KLIA to meet the nine Malaysians and the two dependents.

— Bernama

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