PUTRAJAYA, Dec 4 — Polytechnics will be the key players for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) under the Polytechnic Transformation 2023-2030, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
In his speech when launching the 2023-2030 Polytechnic Transformation here today, he said the transformation was a systematic and direct effort to strengthen the marketability of polytechnic graduates.
“This transformation is a process of optimising talent, potential and opportunities for the country to become advanced and competitive through the TVET field,” he said.
The 2023-2030 Polytechnic Transformation Framework under the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) formulates four goals, three strategic reform initiatives, 13 critical reform agendas and 18 strategic objectives.
Ahmad Zahid expressed the need to realise the transformation of the polytechnics because of the challenges of the 21st century, such as the wave of the Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), the use of the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence (AI), digitalisation and disruptive technology.
“All these are an explosion that demands the coordination of all the training programmes we offer. It must be current and has to respond to the latest needs and demands of the market.
“The study content, learning methods and approaches, as well as the focus of research and innovation must not be separated from current technological progress,” he added.
Ahmad Zahid also emphasised the need to diversify relationships and forge cooperation with all parties, especially industry players.
“Relationships are very important and must be strengthened. We must together explore and map a more radical and diverse collaboration with all parties,” he said.
Later, during a press conference, Ahmad Zahid expressed his appreciation to Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin for implementing a new direction for polytechnics.
A new TVET policy is being developed and is expected to be launched next year, he added.
— Bernama