Selangor Journal

Socso distributes RM4 mln to boost industrial accident prevention initiatives

PUTRAJAYA, Jan 29 — The Social Security Organisation (Socso) distributed grants worth RM4 million today to 37 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and institutions to boost activities and initiatives for industrial accident prevention.

Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohamad said the allocation was disbursed to enable NGOs and institutions to conduct 423 activities, including competency training, media promotion seminars, and strengthening awareness of occupational safety and health.

“We want them (NGOs) to be involved in helping to address problems related to accidents in the workplace or industrial accidents and during the work commute,” he told the press after launching Socso’s 2024 financial aid grant today.

Among the recipients were Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah and the Malaysia Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros).

Abdul Rahman said specific prevention activities and measures need to be planned, considering that the number of accidents Socso recorded in 2023 was very high, totalling 82,876 cases.

Of these, 44,422 cases were industrial accidents or workplace accidents, while 38,454 cases were commute-related accidents.

“During the same period, a total of 1,060 fatal accidents were reported, where industrial accidents contributed to 310 deaths.

“Commuting accidents resulted in 750 worker fatalities, or an average of about two fatal cases were recorded every day involving workers commuting to work,” he said.

The minister added that enforcement aspects need to be given serious attention by authorities to reduce workplace or commuting accidents.

“Enforcement bodies need to play a crucial role, including the police and the Road Transport Department (JPJ), to prevent accidents during the commute to work,” he said.

Guidelines for employers to manage disability cases in the workplace were also launched today to help train employees with disabilities to return to work.

— Bernama

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