Selangor Journal

Audit report finds irregular payments in RKAT Segamat camp project

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 — The Armed Forces Family Housing (RKAT) Development Project in Segamat Camp, Johor had irregular payment transactions, according to the Auditor-General’s Report for the Year 2021 Series 2, released today.

The report said road expansion work which involves Variatan Orders (APK) totalling RM3.31 million had started before approval from the Approving Authority and the payment amounting to RM234,142 had been made before the APK approval.

The report revealed that the contractor had started work on APK amounting to RM3.31 million on August 25, 2021, before the approving authority gave its approval.

To ensure compliance with the payment for the RKAT Segamat Camp development project, the report recommended that the Ministry of Defence take action by ensuring the approval of the Variation Order by the Approving Authority before starting work so that payments are made in an orderly manner.

“The ministry must also enhance monitoring during the project’s period to ensure that the project can be completed within the stipulated time,” the report said.

— Bernama

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