Selangor Journal
Healthcare workers administer the Covid-19 screening to individuals at a drive-thru service in Section 19, Shah Alam, on April 14, 2020. — Picture by REMY ARIFIN/SELANGORKINI

MOH mulls Covid-19 test on community

PUTRAJAYA, April 21 — The Health Ministry (MOH) is considering carrying out Covid-19 infection test in the community especially in red zones.

Health director-general, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the study involved screening local residents to gauge the antibody of individuals who had been infected by Covid-19.

“If they were exposed to the virus, then in a week they would produce antibody or IgG (Immunoglobulin G) with IgM (Immunoglobulin M).

“So the study could be considered and we may look at a suitable time to implement the test and the screening would be using the quick antibody test kit to measure antibody or lgG or lgM,” he told the daily Covid-19 media conference here yesterday.

Dr Noor Hisham said with the test kit, only one drop of blood is needed to check for antibody.

However, he explained that the test is not for diagnosis but to know the number of people in the community who had been infected by Covid-19.

He said the study also required the close cooperation of the private sector to ensure the information gathered is the latest and all appropriate actions were taken.

Earlier, virologist Prof Dr Sazaly Abu Bakar had proposed that MOH gauge infection in the community by detecting the presence of antibody on the people randomly nationwide before the movement control order (MCO) ends.

On the lack of N95 face masks at Kuching General Hospital, Dr Noor Hisham said the use of such face mask should be for health personnel at Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Covid-19 treatment ward.

He said health clinic staff can use the three-layered face mask if they are not facing Covid-10 patients.

“Those who are not in Covid-19 ward can use the three-layered face mask while the use of N95 face mask is needed in ICU and Covid-19 wards, he said.

— Bernama

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