Selangor Journal
Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi. — Picture by BERNAMA

National Audit Dept to strengthen its role — D-G

KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 — The National Audit Department will strengthen its role in conducting audits on the annual financial statements and performance reports of public agencies, said newly appointed Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi.

She said the department would also ensure the public sector audit system remains sustainable and efficient.

“The National Audit Department will always be sensitive and attentive in carrying out its auditing powers to examine and investigate the management of public money with a focus on the interests of the people and the accountability of government ministries and departments for taxpayers’ money spent.

“For that purpose, the National Audit Department will continue to establish cooperation with all parties including public agencies and other related bodies for the well-being of the people and the prosperity of the country,” Wan Suraya said in a statement today.

With 29 years of experience in the public service, the new director-general said she is committed to driving the National Audit Department in becoming an excellent audit institution.

Wan Suraya said she is also committed to working with the staff of the National Audit Department in an effort to transform and restructure the auditing system and strengthen the country’s financial management.

“The public’s trust in the public sector is largely based on the perception of efficiency, reliability and honesty displayed, therefore the public sector needs to operate with competence, trust, honesty and integrity.

“Government institutions must also be fully responsible for the money spent and every expenditure must have a positive impact on the lives of Malaysians,” she added.

— Bernama

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