Selangor Journal

Socso to monitor 6,000 employers with highest rate of accidents

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 27 — The Social Security Organisation (Socso) will monitor the 6,000 employers who recorded the highest number of accidents last year through an operation codenamed ‘Ops Cegah’.

Socso in a statement today informed that the monitoring will be carried out through various methods including phone calls, emails, letters, ‘one-to-one’ consultations, visits to employers’ premises as well as advocacy programmes to decrease unwanted incidents.

“Throughout last year, a total of 1,078 employers were visited by Socso as a result of a strategic collaboration initiative between institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in efforts to reduce accident rates. … The initiative yielded positive results with a significant reduction in accidents recorded by 83.6 per cent among 931 employers.

“The initiatives will continue in 2024 with 6,000 employers who recorded the highest number of accidents, accounting for 46.6 per cent or 44,856 cases last year, being monitored through Ops Cegah,” read the statement.

— Bernama

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