Selangor Journal
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof speaks at the Malaysian Water Association’s National Water Services Commission Industry Awards and Asiawater 2024 at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on April 23, 2024. — Picture via X/FADILLAH YUSOF

Ministry, SPAN to implement water sector transformation framework, says minister

KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 — The Energy Transition and Water Transformation Ministry (Petra), in collaboration with the National Water Services Commission (SPAN), is poised to establish and devise a framework for implementing transformative measures in the water services sector over the next decade.

Its minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof announced that Petra intends to engage stakeholders and partner with the Malaysian Water Association (MWA) to gather input and feedback from all concerned parties.

“Some of the notable considerations are, for example, digitalisation and AI adoption in the water industry to enhance sustainability and improve operation efficiency.

“Likewise, while water resource management and cost reduction practices remain key, operators will also need to look into revenue management and enhancement to ensure the sustainability of the water industry,” he said in his opening remarks before officiating the MWA 36th Annual Dinner and Awards Night 2024 in conjunction with SPAN Industry Awards and ASIAWATER 2024, here, yesterday.

Fadillah, who is also deputy prime minister, said the efforts to reform the delivery of the water services sector are a strategic priority and require the cooperation and collaboration of all stakeholders at all levels over a certain period in Malaysia.

He pointed out that over the past three months, his officers and SPAN have embarked on a journey to put things into perspective and draw up the Petra Water Transformation Plan to restructure, strengthen and rationalise the considerably fragmented nature of water, which entails guidance on the economics, management and governance of water.

At the event, he also congratulated all the winners of the MWA Malaysia Water Awards and SPAN Industry Awards for their excellent contributions to the water industry.

Also present at the event was Energy Transition and Water Transformation Deputy Minister Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir.

Meanwhile, SPAN Chairman Charles Santiago said the award, which was introduced for the first time, is to honour and acknowledge the exemplary achievements and best practices of water industry players in driving and supporting the nation’s sustainable water agenda.

MWA president Mohmad Asari Daud said the event also creates an opportunity for the industry to strengthen its network and knowledge and discuss industry developments during the ASIAWATER event.

In the event organised by SPAN and MWA, a total of 12 awards were presented to industry players for their excellent achievements in various categories such as Women Leadership, Best Public Operator 2023, Best Performance Service, Best Project and Best Innovation in the Water Industry.

— Bernama

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