Selangor Journal

Police find three homemade bombs in Jalan Klang Lama

KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — Police found three plastic (PVC) pipes that have been modified into homemade bombs inside a shop in Jalan Klang Lama, after receiving a report regarding an explosion at the premises early this morning.

Brickfields district police chief ACP Amihizam Shukor said police received a report on the explosion at about 6am, via a phone call from a security guard in the incident area.

“An inspection by police found three white PVC pipes that had been modified into explosives and police also discovered the pipes were attached with remote-controlled ‘improvised explosive device (IED)’ which is used to detonate the bomb.

“Further investigation by the police also found three fingerprints in the incident site and the closed-circuit camera managed to detect the movements of two male suspects in the area,” he said in a statement today.

Amihizam said the case is investigated under Section 6 of the Explosives Act 1957, which carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years and a fine of up to RM10,000 or both if convicted.

“Police are requesting the cooperation of the public who have information related to this incident to come to the police station or contact Brickfields police hotline at 03-2297 9222 or Kuala Lumpur police hotline at 03-2115 9999,” he said.

— Bernama

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